octopus (black) iphone case
SKU: EN-S10268
octopus (black) iphone case
Dear phone-maker: If you are trying to sell a device with an interesting feature, such as a stylus, or want to position it to take memos, please include a stylus with the phone, as well as a place to sheath it. I'm talking to you, LG Intuition. Oh, the rage that rained down on HTC when it unveiled the Rhyme. The handset itself was great: a perky, polished design sporting a custom version of Android. Instead, it was the light-up charm accessory built for ladies' purses that earned this grape-colored phone its wrath.
Here's how to sweet-talk Siri so she behaves the way you want her octopus (black) iphone case to, 1, Learn when to talk -- and when not toThe process for activating Siri is simple: Press and hold your iPhone's Home button for a couple seconds until you hear the little boop-boop sound, Then state your request, Then shut up, If you start talking before you hear that audio cue, Siri won't get your whole sentence, I'm not sure any voice-recognition software would know what to do with, "..Bob at 4 o'clock." (The complete phrase would have been, "Remind me to call Bob at 4 o'clock," but because you didn't wait for the cue, Siri caught only the latter half.)..
Similarly, if you continue talking after you've made your request, Siri will think that's part of it. The microphone stays active until it detects quiet (or at least a big drop-off in the audio level), so if you say something like, "Remind me to call Bob at 4 o'clock..you stupid phone, I can't believe I paid Apple good money for this thing," you will confuse the heck out of her. And here's a biggie: if there's a lot of ambient noise, the audio sensor may continue listening, again resulting in a muddled request. So get in the habit of tapping the onscreen microphone button immediately after you've finished talking. That will deactivate the microphone and force Siri to go to work. Your results will improve dramatically.
2, Don't call her by nameYou may think it's polite to address Siri by name (as in, "Siri, call my octopus (black) iphone case sister," or "Call my sister, Siri"), but it's just not necessary, Indeed, that's one more way you might trip her up -- especially if, like certain family members (whom I love!), you insist on calling her "Surry."State your request and be done with it, (Indeed, Siri will now tut-tut you if you're too long-winded in your query.) Siri is software, not a person, She doesn't stand on formality, and she has no feelings to bruise..
3. Learn what Siri can do -- and what she can'tSiri is not an encyclopedia. Sure, you can ask her esoteric questions like, "What's the meaning of life?" and practical ones, like, "What's the capital of Alaska?" but she simply doesn't know everything. She's not Google. (See "Know your alternatives," below.). I think most users get frustrated with Siri because they ask her the wrong kinds of questions. Something like, "Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?" may seem straightforward, but it's simply outside Siri's purview. Remember that her primary value lies in her integration with iOS, meaning she's great for things like making hands-free phone calls, sending hands-free text messages, scheduling appointments and reminders, starting timers, playing playlists, and so on.
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